PCC Energy Group

RathGibson Testing

RathGibson’s products undergo comprehensive quality testing. When you choose a RathGibson product, you can be assured that it is of the highest quality.

TestTypeSpecsProductsAdministratorMinimum SamplingDescription
Strength Tensile Destructive A370, E8 Standard RathGibson Heat Lot Order Finds the maximum amount of force required to pull the product to its failure point.
Strength Burst Destructive Standard RathGibson Heat Lot Order Ascertains the maximum amount of internal pressure a product is able to withstand before reaching its failure point.
Hardness Rockwell Destructive E18, A370 Standard RathGibson Heat Lot Order An indentor is applied to a sample under a minor and then a major load. The difference in depth of penetration determines the placement of the material in relation to the Rockwell scale.
Hardness Micro Destructive E92 Optional RathGibson Heat Lot Order Calculated from the length of the impression made after a precision diamond indenter is applied into the material at a certain load.
Hardness Eddy Current NDE E309 Standard RathGibson 100% An encircling coil that the tubing is passing through is energized inducing eddy currents in the tubing. The presence of any discontinuities in the entire circumference of the tubular product will alter the normal flow of currents and this change is detected.
Soundness Ultrasonic
NDE E213 Optional RathGibson and/or Independent Lab 100% As a transducer is passed over the pipe or tube, it releases pulsewaves. Imperfections are detected by analyzing the returning waves.
Soundness X-Ray NDE Optional  RathGibson and/or Independent Lab 100% Especially useful in weld inspections.
Leak & Strength Hydrostatic NDE A1016 Optional RathGibson 100% The inside of a tube or pipe is pressurized by a nearly incompressible liquid, and then examined for leaks or permanent shape changes.
Leak Air Under Water NDE A1016, A1046 Optional RathGibson 100% Air is injected and then the tube/pipe placed underwater for visual leak detection.
Leak Pressure Decay NDE A1046 Optional RathGibson 100% Air is injected and the air pressure within the pipe/tube is measured over time.
Bend Testing Reverse Bend Destructive A370 Standard RathGibson 1500’ or Heat Lot Order Ductility, the physical property of sustaining large irreversible deformations without fracturing of the tube/pipe and/or the weld, is measured.
Bend Testing Flattening Destructive A370 Standard RathGibson 1500’ or Heat Lot Order Ductility, the physical property of sustaining large irreversible deformations without fracturing of the tube/pipe and/or the weld, is measured.
Bend Testing Reverse Flattening Destructive A370 Standard RathGibson 1500’ or Heat Lot Order Ductility, the physical property of sustaining large irreversible deformations without fracturing of the tube/pipe and/or the weld, is measured.
Bend Testing Flange Destructive A370 Standard RathGibson 1500’ or Heat Lot Order Ductility, the physical property of sustaining large irreversible deformations without fracturing of the tube/pipe and/or the weld, is measured.
Dimensional OD, Wall, Straightness NDE Standard RathGibson 1500’ All these tests ascertain the integrity of any welds and the verification of wall thickness throughout the length of pipe.
Metallurgical Grain Size Destructive E112 Optional RathGibson Heat Lot Order Grain Size is derived from a digital image analysis of the metal surface. It is generally considered that strength and toughness are found with fine-grained steels, while coarse-grained steels are considered to have better machinability.
Metallurgical Sensitization Destructive A262/A or E Optional RathGibson Heat Lot Order Sensitization involves the microstructural analysis of the product to see how it may respond to intergranular corrosion and stress corrosion cracking (SCC).
Metallurgical Corrosion Destructive Alloy Dependant Optional RathGibson Heat Lot Order RathGibson’s Technical Services group will recommend which of the dozen different corrosion tests will be appropriate based upon alloy, application, and possible failure modes.
Metallurgical Phase balance or intermetallic Destructive E562, E1245 Optional Optional RathGibson Heat Lot Order Microscopic examinations from the weld cap to weld root to check for non-metallic or third phase precipitates.
Metallurgical Metallographic Destructive Optional RathGibson Heat Lot Order Mounted cross sections are magnified to determine condition, quality, structure, strength, corrosion, wear, and effectiveness of any treatments.