PCC Energy Group

Super Duplex 100 Pipe and Tubing

Stainless Steel Alloys

Product Information

Composition of Super Duplex 100 Pipe and Tubing
GradeSuper Duplex 100
UNS DesignationS32760
Carbon (C) Max. 0.05
Manganese (Mn) Max. 1.00
Phosphorous (P) Max. 0.030
Sulphur (S) Max. 0.010
Silicon (Si) Max. 1.00
Chromium (Cr) 24.0–26.0
Nickel (Ni) 6.0–8.0
Molybdenum (Mo) 3.0–4.0
Nitrogen (N) 0.20–0.30
Iron (Fe) Bal.
Copper (Cu) 0.50–1.00
Other Elements W 0.50–1.00, 40 min*
Physical Properties of Super Duplex 100 Alloys in the Annealed Condition at -20°F to +100°F
      Tensile StrengthYield Strength            
AlloyUNS DesignationSpec.psiMPaksipsiMPaksiElongation in 2 in. (min.) %Grain Size Req.Max. HardnessModulus of Elasticity (x106 psi)Mean Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (IN./IN./°F x 10-6)Thermal Conductivity (BTU-in/ ft2-h-°F)
Super Duplex 100 S32760 A789, A790 109,000 750 109 80,000 550 80 25 31 Rc 7.5 156